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Ekatraya,1). Currently working as Assistant Professor at Gopalan School of Architecture and Planning hoodi Bangalore Presently Pursuing Doctoral Studies at Institute of Developmental Studies, Leela Vihar, Manasa Gangothri, Mysore University, Mysore-570 006. 2009-2011. [1.My project “Humane Physics” has been awarded fellowship from Indian Council of Philosophical Research, New Delhi. Reference File No. 1-59/2005/P&R/ICPR.(National acceptance). 2. My paper no 244 “Humane Physics – Ekalavya Multiversity” has been accepted for presentation at the conference “worlds religions after September 11-15 at Montréal. (Global acceptance)] also I have applied for stars conference and grant programme. Ekalavya Multiversity* is being Self proclaimed Deemed University to execute and establish Truth, through Humane Physics, As this is synonymous to a chain reaction. We are like neutrons of the chain reaction; we need have to trigger this reaction. Seeking your guidance to nurture humanity

Sunday, September 9, 2007


Often do the spirits of great events of great events stride on before the events, and in today already walks tomorrow.

The people who knew tomorrow.

The present crisis of faith.


The divine power regularly comes down to the earthly plane to raise it to a higher status. The purpose of divine descent is to inaugurate a new world (yuga) re-establish eternal religion and strike at the formalistic and ritualistic part of religion which invariably detaches people from ultimate reality and perpetuates ignorance of the people. The descent of the divine into the human souls should rise. The birth of the birth less means the revelation of the mystery in the soul of man.

During every incarnation and manifestation of the lord on earthly plane in human garb, the ancient yoga imparted to the disciples has remained the same in its essence. The outward behavior of avatars was different; the connotation and etymology used for the ancient yoga by the mahapurusha’s differed for linguistic. Geographical and contextual reasons. The essence, spirit and the methodology of the imparting this jnana has never changed. In all the nomenclatures used, there has been perfect similarity and commonness of essential constituents making up the ancient yoga which leads the seeker of truth to self-realization and God-realization within this human body. The process the spiritual teacher bestows on his disciple the inward eye. I.e. gnana chaksu. The two physical eyes do not enable man to see metaphysical form of god as these are meant and restricted to see the Maya ridden physical world of objects.

The ancient yoga which they preach and expound is, in fact the eternal religion, Sanatana Dharma. They inspire people to rise above darmakandas.

Vision is the art of seeing the invisible.

The lord assumes embodiment through his own free will and divine potency. Thus, whenever righteousness to preserve equilibrium becomes essential. The supreme Brahman though unborn and undying, becomes manifest in human embodiment for extirpation of the forces of ignorance and selfishness.

“Revelation of the supreme secret of god is never closed so long as the human heart is receptive and exhibits qualities of devotion and love. Revelation is not an event of the past but one, which continues today. It is not the privilege of a few but is an experience open to all.”

Vision is the art of seeing the invisible.

We are never losers, until we quit trying.

A thing of beauty is a joy forever, its beauty increases, it never goes to nothingness.

Awakening the self- A human being is part of the whole, called by us “universe”, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest- a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us.

Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.

–Albert Einstein.

Contents :--

The present crisis of faith:

Avatar’s affirm eternal verities.

Vision is the art of seeing the invisible.

Judging gifted ness.

New renaissance.

Karma: the law of cause and effect

Dharma : what is right:

Moksha : liberation from samara/earthly bondage.

Linking science to spirituality.

Shadow worlds

Marriage of Heaven and Hell

If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite for man has closed himself up, ‘till he sees all things thro’ narrow chinks, in his cavern


MEANING OF GIFTEDNESS- as a child prodigy.

Giftedness is described in its social context. It is reviewed through history to the present day in these terms. The traditional mythic view of gifted children and their behavior is examined, scientific evidence is little, but even so it is so often ignored. The effect of mythic thinking is considered in the identification of gifted children and the present interest in gifted children is examined.

Learning to be gifted- Growing up in society; how a gifted child learns the social mores of society in which it is born. Family influences are described and their resulting effects on the gifted children.


Physical and mental development of gifted children should be nurtured. Reference is made to early simulation, nourishment etc., a discussion is offered of what intelligence might be, and the controversy over its measurements.

è The formation of world governance is the only possible solution for the resolution of current crises.

è When are we to observe oneness factually?

è Humans are the leastly populated species in the universe, as per, the understanding of 2k1 humans.

Not more than the number of atoms present in the thumb is the number of humans on the planet earth.

We are all humans with unique personalities. we are citizens of earth. Sheltered in multiverse

When are every one going to realize the facts.


A thing of beauty is a joy forever its beauty increases it never goes to nothingness.


è Matter has reached the point of beginning to know itself… (man is) a star’s way of knowing about stars.

a great many people will think they are thinking when they are merely rearranging their prejudices.

Finally all these imply-

Life itself is a pre-described relaxed act

We need not have to act fast. Resonate with it.



You may find this surprising. If humor is so very significant, why has it been so neglected by traditional philosophers, psychologist and information scientists?

Why humor is so significant and why it has been so neglected by traditional thinkers together form the key to my every action. Humor tells us more about how the brain works as mind-including reason. It indicates that our traditional thinking methods, and our thinking about these methods, have been based

The Hindu concept of god is one of an ultimate Absolute, which cannot be described in any way: it is nirguana, ’without qualities’. Everything in the universe is seen as a particle of manifestation of this absolute is also with qualities, that is, it is saguna. It is saguna when it is everything in the universe. But the possibilities of such manifestations are endless, limitless: so Brahman can take any form, indeed already is every form. The avatars represent manifestations of the divine, which are intermediaries between the absolute and humankind. They represent the ideal in morality, justice, devotion to duty and perfection- the capabilities of human beings when they realize the divine particle, the atman within themselves.

The Ramayana and the Mahabharatha give us a thorough understanding of the concept of dharma-‘what is right’; ram is the embodiment of dharma. So ram and sita are perfect examples of how man and woman should be, both individually and in their relationship with each other. The epics, then, bring the complex concept of dharma into real situations, in this way providing moral guidance in a very concrete form for the Hindu ‘what is right’ is learnt through the characters of ram, sita and lakshman rather than through philosophical speculation. Not only, then, does such smrti literature bring people close to god, but it also shows what is required of them at their very best.

KARMA: The law of cause and effect.

Karma means ‘act’, ‘action’ or ’activity’ and refers, not only to actions undertaken by the body, but also to those undertaken by the mind. Karma is actually action and reaction for Hindus believe that all actions produce results and it is this theory that is behind the concept if samsara. As we know from life itself, not all actions produce immediate results, particularly those actions of the mind, so it may be a very long time before the results of certain actions, whether physical or mental come to fructification.

This means that results of actions may come about in later existences. It is the jivatman, the personality with its many positive and negative likes and dislikes and positive and negative actions, which causes karma. Every time we do something or think something, we create a cause and having created a cause we must have an effect, a result.

So each individual goes through life creating the kinds of results which will be stored up to form his or her jivatman in the next existence. Each person chooses how to act or think, so each person’s karma is his or her own and equally so the results of those choices belong to that person. So if choices are good, then results in the next life will be good, but if the choices are bad then the just rewards of such will be reaped also in subsequent lives. If actions are very bad then a person may actually devolve and degenerate into a lower life form as an animal. Westerners sometimes see the operation of karma as fatalistic, but it is far from this, since, while an individual can do nothing about the karma he/she must reap, all of an individual’s future lives are affected by present actions, thoughts and words: we shape our own future. And while it is also suggested by some that the status quo in India is maintained with regard to poverty, there are many Hindus who would counter-claim that responsibility and care for the poor is one of the means by which good karma can be promoted.

Dharma: what is right.

In order to achieve good karma it is important to live according to dharma, what is right? This involves doing what is right for the individual the family, the class or caste and also for the universe itself. Dharma is like a cosmic norm and if one goes against the cosmic norm or the norm for the individual or class, then bad karma can result. But dharma also affects the future, for each individual has his or her own dharmic path dependent on the karma, which has been accumulated. So one’s dharmic path in the next life is the one necessary to bring to fruition of the results of the past karma and is thus right for the individual, even though it may be a difficult path.

Moksa: liberation from samsara

The ultimate aim of every Hindu is that one day the endless cycle of samsara will be over and there will be no necessary to be reincarnated. This can only happen when there is no karma to cause an individual to be reincarnated because there is no egoistic self, no ‘I’ to reap any results. This is moksa, liberation from the cycle of samsara. It is thus achieved when the jivatman loses its good and bad karma and has no karma at all. To achieve this Hindus have many paths, it is not something, which can be achieved in only one way. But when a person realizes moksa, the atman – the part of the individual, which is Brahman-merges with Brahman like the river, merges into the sea. The jivatman is gone and only pure atman, which is Brahman, remains.

Linking Science to spirituality-

The absolute force or prana is not merely fictitious in nature, at most people tend to believe but can be realized as a personal goal. Can be realized as a personal goal. We already know that the practice of the ancient science of yoga does not only help relieve us from different kinds of stress and tensions of modern life and keep us fit, but it can achieve the final goal of uniting the individual unit /prana of the body with the main universal absolute force. One of the more scientific explanations for prana is that this absolute force remains hidden in our bodies mainly in the central nervous system (c.n.s), and in the cerebro-spinal fluid, filled in the spinal canal of the spinal cord.

Meditation is a process in which conscious thoughts, generated by the interaction of genes, are made to enter into subconscious thoughts and their cumulative energy force leads to generate an unconscious psychodynamic power that is utilized to control the normal body currents/bio-rhythms. By will the cumulative energy force can be focused, transformed, tuned directed and can be made gradually and progressively super-subtle to release the body’s absolute force.



and the heroes and zeros for the planet who are making it happen.

There is a time and a place and courage for saying something. The new Renaissance needs a formal announcement in order that people may notice it and focus upon it with hope and resolve. That is the purpose of this shit.

To announce a new Renaissance will always seem presumptuous and provocative, whoever makes the announcement and with whatever justification. Surely such things just happen without anyone making a formal announcement to create a self-fulfilling prophecy in that if we believe in a New Renaissance we shall make it happen?

We do need to believe in the possibility of a new Renaissance because it is possible. There is always value in recognizing something that is already happening. Why delay recognition.?

On what is the new renaissance to be based?

The last Renaissance was clearly based on the re-discovery of ancient Greek(about 400BC). Thinking habits of logic, reason, argument, truth and the importance of man. Before the last Renaissance the thinking habits of the western world were derived entirely from dogma and theology. Maps of the world hat to show large land masses with Jerusalem at the dead center-not because the experience of navigators had suggested such a disposition of land but be.

Shadow worlds :

It is all around us, a parallel universe of mirror galaxies, mirror planets… even mirror life.

The world on the other side of the mirror is a favorite of fantasy writers; a place where everything is subtly twisted, where things impossible in our world can happen. Scores of fictional adventurers, from Alice onwards, have stepped through into that reflected realm. But it could be that the world on the other side of the mirror is more than a fantasy.

Physicists suspect that a parallel universe of mirror matter might surround us, where mirror particles assemble themselves into mirror galaxies, mirror stars and mirror planets-even mirror life. And two scientists will soon try to get a first glimpse into the mirror world

Just like the mirror worlds of fantasy, it is a dominion subtly different from our own. If you look at yourself in a mirror. The reflected you seems to behave in just the same way as the real one, only back-to-front. But look more closely and you’ll find that nature’s symmetry is flawed.

When physicists examine some known processes involving fundamental particles examine some known processes involving fundamental particles, they find that the mirror-image processes involving fundamental particles, they find that the mirror-image process is not always possible. For instance, when an atom decays to create a neutrino, the neutrino always spins in the same direction, left-handedly. If it were coming towards you, you’d see it spinning clockwise-in other words it twists like a left-handed corkscrew.

But we never see right-handed neutrinos. Wouldn’t it be more pleasing if both types of neutrino existed, and nature were mirror symmetric?

The universe does not keep on bifurcating in this fashion. Rather, there are an infinite number of universes even to start with. These exist in a super space. When the wave function evolves, each universe carries a component. But these components representing alternative “realities” are tied together until we make an observation cuts these mysterious bonds and liberates these and he mistakenly thinks that the wave function has collapsed, the rest of the wave function having vanished into thin air. There is no collapse and so there is no problem about how the wave function mysteriously jumps.

Why should we believe in such a monstrous suggestion(about many universes)?

I suppose the first reason is that the theory, which predicts them, is the simplest interpretation of quantum theory…

You say it is the simplest interpretation of quantum theory but it seems like a very complicated interpretation… in what sense is it the simplest?

It is by far the simplest in that it involves the fewest additional assumptions beyond those, which correctly predict the results of experiments…

So parallel universes are cheap on assumptions but expensive on universes?

Exactly right. In physics we always try to make things cheap on assumptions.

What in your opinion is wrong with the standard Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics?

In quantum cosmology, one tries to apply quantum mechanics to the universe as a whole… and immediately one has to stop… it’s logically inconsistent to imagine fails to describe quantum cosmology. Even if we know how to write down the theory of quantum cosmology, which is quite hard incidentally, we literally wouldn’t know what the symbols meant under any interpretation other than the eve ret interpretation.

The many universes theory can be put to a test?

The snag is that we have to deal with observers in these other universes, and we don’t know how to do that. However, there is a way out because if we the observers (in our universe) ourselves encountered the different possibilities in the experiment, these possibilities would be registered differently in our memory. So we must dream up an experiment in which there is an interference effect between these different states of memory. Notice that I am essentially talking of quantum effects in the brain! Unfortunately, we know so little about the brain that to plan an experiment based on its quantum features is far out in the future. But we don’t really need a human brain.

We have all, I hope, agreed on one important point: that whatever may be the ultimate nature of the world; it is, as long as we inhabit it, very real. A dream maybe, but one which has all the appearance of reality and which manifests itself according to an apparently logical plan. Banish all speculations other than purely psychological ones, we are going to “get on with the job’ as regards tendering what advice we may on how to make the most of ourselves in a universe whose (temporary) nature we have to apprehend and whose psychological laws (pre-eminent among which is the law of love) we have to accept if we wish to avoid disappointment.

Most of us have suffered defeats in our efforts to make friends. Most of us have spent a great deal of time in wondering why. Some of us, owing to faulty observation or imperfect deduction, have not found the answer and have been tempted to wander hence forth in the unprofitable desert o egotism, attempting to achieve the impossible task of being a low unto ourselves.

The answer to the inability to attract people to oneself and so to cut off a good ninety-nine percent of life’s pleasures, lies in a paradox; in one of those eternal contradictions which have to be resolved and accepted unless we wish to confess ourselves abject failures.

It involves the facing of certain stark, irrefutable facts. Facts which may come as a little of a shock to those who have not exerted their capacity for analysis.

Here is the first, and most inescapable of these. No one is interested in us unless we are interested in them! It does not matter if we have the wisdom of Solomon, the beauty of Venus, the social eminence of a king or president, no one really cares a rap about us (expect as the occasion for yawning) unless we have taken the trouble to soft-pedal our own petty preoccupations and vanities and allowed the other person to expand. It is only when other people realize that they have met someone in whose company they will have an opportunity to expand, that they begin to reflect “what a charming person so-and-so is! There is something like about that man. I must see more of him.”/’

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