Ecumenopolis as a Model of Ekalavya Multiversity Process.
Prof. S.Sathish 1 and Mr. Ravi Gangadharaiah Nayaka2,
B.M.S College, Dept of Architecture, Bangalore 560019.
Ekalavya multiversity is a concept of one home for humanity, developed for the sustainable future of Humanity.
Toward Ecumenopolis. Such cities, growing dynamically over the next two or three generations, will finally be interconnected, in one continuous network, into one universal city which we call the ecumenic city, the city of the whole inhabited earth, or Ecumenopolis. If we speak, therefore, of the cities of the future one century from now, we can state that they will have become one city, the unique city of mankind.
This evolution corresponds to an age-old dream of man who, very early, started thinking of cosmopolis -- not as a physical entity, but as the ideal state in which all people will be equal and united into one world.
From the article ecumenopolis tomorrow’s city by Constantinos A. Doxiadis (1913-1975)
Since, equmenoplis conceptually accounts for designing a humane habitat, addressing the users of equmenopolis will be a concern for understanding humane living with limited recourses. This kind of study calls for understanding through supra academic authority comprising of political, economic, social and administrative processes.
Ekalavya Multiversity is a supra academic authority to ordain political, economic and bureaucratic authorities to function justfuly in this third millennium.
One Home for Humanity, i.e., Ekalavya Multiversity.
Self Actualized Peace on Earth, Manifested in Reality for the Human Race.
“Humanity stands at the crossroads of destiny. STARS* is the most exciting
Initiative yet on confronting the challenge of who we are and how we fit into
the great cosmic scheme.”
Paul Davies
Ekalavya is an ideal for volunteer learning, in the process of educating the self; we require volunteer involvement of citizens of earth, for sustained brighter future of humanity. (An idol represents an ideal.)
Earth is our school we citizens of mother earth are students of life. We all need have to live to learn so as we will learn to live. Live and let live. Grow out our personalities and help our fellow beings to grow out their humane personalities. Which is the next step in evolution of Mankind.
*STARS-Science and Transadence Advanced Research Series.
1. Prof. S.Sathish , H.O.D, Dept of Architecture, B.M.S College, Bangalore.
Email., .
2. Mr. Ravi Gangadharaiah Nayaka, Visiting Faculty, Dept of Architecture, B.M.S College, Bangalore. Email., www.
1. Significance: In a hypothetical view humane living should be like this.
Sustainable living might be defined as a lifestyle that could, hypothetically, be sustained without exhausting any natural resources. The term can be applied to individuals or societies. Its adherents most often hold true sustainability as a goal or guide, and make lifestyle tradeoffs favoring sustainability
Sustainable development is defined as balancing the fulfillment of human needs with the protection of the natural environment so that these needs can be met not only in the present, but in the indefinite future.
The field of sustainable development can be conceptually broken into four constituent parts: environmental sustainability, economic sustainability, social sustainability and political sustainability.
Some people are opposed to furthering mechanization and technology in society for any reason. Adherents of sustainable living, in contrast, are willing to accept appropriate technology.
Appropriate technology is technology that is appropriate to the environmental, cultural and economic situation it is intended for. An appropriate technology, in this sense, typically requires fewer resources, as well as lower cost and less impact on the environment.
It could be argued that "appropriate technology" for a technologically advanced society may mean a more expensive, complex technology requiring expert maintenance and high energy inputs. However, this is not the usual meaning of the term.
In practice, it is often something that might be described as using the simplest level of technology that can effectively achieve the intended purpose in a particular location. However, the terminology is not very precise.
A sustainable habitat is an ecosystem that produces food and shelter for people and other organisms, without resource depletion and in such a way that no external waste is produced. Thus the habitat can continue into future time without external infusions of resource. Such a sustainable habitat may evolve naturally or be produced under the influence of man (such as a restored biosphere).
A sustainable habitat that is created and designed by human intelligence will mimic nature, if it is to be successful. Everything within it is connected to a complex array of organisms, physical resources and functions. Organisms from many different biomes can be brought together to fulfill various ecological niches.Often the term refers to sustainable human habitats, which typically involve some form of green building or environmental planning.
In creating the sustainable habitat, environmental scientists, designers, engineers and architects must consider no element as a waste product to be disposed of somewhere off site, but as a nutrient stream for another process to feed off of. Researching ways to interconnect waste streams to production creates a more sustainable society by minimizing pollution.
One Last Demographic Effect of Population Growth is Population Equals Regulation
We have Infinite time but finite life spans. According to Malthusian maximum number of humans who can exist given the parameter (infinite time but finite life spans 80 yrs for humans, consider.) will be 12 Billion.
12 Billion Should be our limit. With 3-5 billion families. We have surplus resources for these.
A group of humanists willing to make one home for humanity on Gaia, to establish Ekalavya Multiversity. Earth as a habitable spaceship.
To exercise and execute Humanism as new universal religion for the citizens of earth.
(We number 6 billion with hardly 1 billion stable families; Bricks are building blocks for housing. Likewise families are the building blocks of a humane society. Since last 2000 yrs of human history people from all parts of the world mutually exploited each other including faith to their fullest extent.) Now it is to harmonize. Humans surpass a billion year of evolution within a span of 9 months before coming out our mother’s womb (worm hole), we lag here a lot due to ignorance.
This being need of Time, yields “Humane physics”, a Humanistic science, and dream of Einstein.
Nothing is more powerful than an idea whose time has come-victor Hugo**
Humane physics being a lifelong education in their lifetime.
“We must put ourselves back to school with our forebears, to recall the myths that legitimize our existence and tell us how to live with godly power. ”origins of the sacred”
We require co-operation to execute " Humane Physics" under "Ekalavya Multiversity", as an answer for, what, in the inheritance of 2000 years, can carry us forward into the increasingly shared time and space of our fast-globalizing world?, How, in the third millennium should we think of a common era. Third millennium plan of action for humanity, (20 Fifty yrs plan make a Millennium plan). 2000 years and beyond brings together some of the most eminent thinkers of our time, Specialists in philosophy, theology, anthropology and culture theory, gut, string theorists , gia hypothesis, akanda paradigm, theory of every thing, Humanism is the binding energy to make a home for humanity. Family is the basic building block of society, India has Maximum no: of Stable Families. 1/6th world population is in India,
Ekalavya Multiversity* is being Self proclaimed process to execute and establish Truth, through Humane Physics, As this is synonymous to a chain reaction. We are like neutrons of the chain reaction; we need have to trigger this reaction. Seeking guidance to nurture humanity.
Most of our scientists were philosophers at the end of their career.
2. Methodology:
We need a Designed Habitat Globe for 9 billion humans towards sustainable future. Twenty fifty year plans make a millennium plan. We are presently in the first of the twenty fifty year plan which has begun 2000- 2050A.D.
We need not have to board a space ship and go to space, indeed we are in space, and Mother Earth is our space ship. Presently she is traveling with the speed of 80,000 km/hr speed in her orbit around our Father Sun.
Earth is our school we citizens of mother earth are students of life. We all need have to live to learn so as we will learn to live. Live and let live. Grow out our personalities and help our fellow beings to grow out their humane personalities
“Everywhere on Earth, at this moment, in the new spiritual atmosphere created by the idea of evolution, there float, in a state of extreme mutual sensitivity, love of God and faith in a new world: the two essential components of the ultra human. These two components are everywhere in the air…sooner or later there will be a chain reaction.”
- Pierre Teilhard de Chardin.
Networking networks, Global resonance in the domain of mind world.
We like to utilize the given assistance to form a force to exercise truth and faith of humanity for this millennium.
We command for a healthy community humane living.
Council of Ekalavya Multiversity. Academic council for global governance.
Table number: 1
Organizations |
Heads of all the countries |
Support all the good personalities
Dr.A.P.J. Kalam… |
Oneness is sure. |
I Councils |
INSA…., |
ICSSR…., |
II Govt. bodies |
UN…, |
III Faith runners |
Faith runners around the globe.., |
*Iskon, *bahai faith, *Ravi shankarji, *Shiva Kumar swamiji…,
*Bramha kumari eshwari vidyalaya, *Ramkrishna mission…, |
1. ICPR: Indian Council of Philosophical Research
2. CTNS: Center for theology and Natural Sciences
3. CPWR: Council for Parliament of Worlds Religions
4. ICSSR: Indian Council for social science Research.
5. INSA: Indian national science academy.
6. ICSSR: Indian council for social science research
7. SAARC: South Asian association for regional cooperation
8. UN: United Nations
9: UNESCO: United nations educational, scientific and cultural organization
10: like wise autonomous authorities who are working for humane society…,
3. Measure of growth:
First: The entire earth and the entire humanity form an integrated organism, a holistic system, which reacts as a whole to the healing impulses that are injected.
Second: The key information of a new, non-violent code of life is directed to the inner sphere of community, truth, trust, love, faith and religion. The bifurcations, from where the course of human evolution on earth takes new directions - as soon as the material prerequisites are fulfilled -, are lying in the inner realm of the human being.
Third: Peace work is healing work. Central to it is the building up of trust. If someone asks, what does peace mean, then the answer is: peace is trust. Trust between human beings; trust between parents and children, young people and adults; trust between nations; trust between human being and animal; human being and nature; human being and world. The deepest meaning lays in finding the code of trust. Healing Biotopes are places, where conditions that are able to support the emergence and the growth of perpetual trust are consciously created.
Forth: Neither moral appeals, individual conversions, nor individual spiritual exercise will produce the necessary change, instead new communitarian and societal structures have to be developed to promote a continuous growth of truth, trust and solidarity.
Fifth: Communities of the future which will build up the new structures of the inner sphere of human beings will produce a global field effect. A new code of life will - as a result of the functioning of holistic systems - change planetary life.
The first one concerns the planetary bio-system as an integrated organism. This is confirmed biological systems theories, starting with Lovelock's Gaia-Hypothesis up to the "biological internet" which claims: all beings are connected through the frequencies of their cellular nuclei (DNA). The genetic code of all beings has the same mathematical base structure, i.e. all beings follow the same basic information of life. They all live within an integrated body of information or - as Teilhard de Chardin said: in an integrated "noosphere".
The second sentence is the result of the inner logic of peace work: peace in the outer world corresponds to the degree that peace has been established in the inner world. We need a new code of life that replaces fear by trust, differentiation by integration, ideology by insight. In the centre of this new code rests a new relationship between the sexes, one which is capable of creating lasting experiences of love like true love in order to overcome perpetual sexual misery.
The third sentence speaks for itself. Where there is trust, fear is overcome. Where fear has disappeared, violence is overcome. Trust is a true tonic for healing.
The forth sentence is determined by history. There have always been individuals like Jesus, Ghandi, Etti Hillesum, Lusseyran or Martin Luther King…, who have reached a high level of purity and divine power, although it is doubtful whether this has made the world a better place. Individual purification is necessary, however, it must find its anchor in a new collective structure, or otherwise it will not have a permanent effect vis-à-vis the overpowering force of violence. Ghandi said: "We must be the change we wish to see in the world". Yes! We need new social entities whose structures are suitable of generating a maximum of human beings who can walk Ghandi's talk. A blood less war with non-violence as propounded by mahaveera and practiacally implemented by Mahathma Gandhi for Indian and African independence in the new world after the world war. India has never invaded any nation in its last 10,000 years history.
The fifth sentence arises out of the first. If new information, a new vibration or a new direction of force is entered into an integrated organism, then these become effective in all its parts. If the input is made at a few points, or at only one acupuncture point, then this will have an effect in terms of a resulting field of force within the entire organism. An analogy between the human body and the body of the earth and the body of humankind appears to be permissible.*
* Theme of Columbia Earth institute.
Einstein, years ago, said "if humanity is to survive, there has to be a substantially new manner of thinking. He also said "A human being is part of the whole that we call the universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences in himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separate from the rest a kind of optical illusion of his consciousness. This illusion is a prison for us restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for only the few people nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living beings and all of nature.
4. Calendar: We are in the first phase of 20 fifty years plan which has begun (2000-2050A.D), should be actualized by 2010. People make assets, People are our assets. 222 nations under one roof, as Ekalavya Multiversity an equemenopolis (Home for humanity).
Plan of action for humanity for this third millennium. Ekalavya multiversity is executing these via Humane physics.
Table -2
Millennium plan |
Academics limit |
Political limit |
Economic limit |
Human limits Our Destiny |
2000-2050 A.D |
Within our life time We need have to establish Ekalavya multiversity, Task, which is independent of time. Observing Goodness. |
Judicious Governance |
Good living conditions for all. |
Observing Humanism (Binding Energy) |
2050-2100 A.D |
Be good for our own goodness |
----II----- |
----II----- |
Observing Humanism |
2100-2900 A.D ---800 years |
----II----- |
----II----- |
----II----- |
Observing Humanism. |
2900-2950 A.D |
Goodness Prevails. |
----II----- |
----II----- |
Towards Oneness. |
2950-3000 A.D
Our Goal, Destined destiny. |
Judicious Governance |
Good living conditions for all. |
Oneness |
Constantinos Apostolos Doxiadis (1913 - 28 June 1975) was a significant Greek architect. He was the principal designer of the Pakistani capital Islamabad and later, its linear merge with Rawalpindi. He also led the movement called Ekistics, and conceived the idea of the ecumenopolis. Doxiadis is credited with distinct contribution to "high" modernism.
Doxiadis graduated in architectural engineering from Technical University of Athens in 1935, obtaining a doctorate from Charlottenburg University in Berlin a year later. In 1965 he received a grant from the Graham Foundation to deliver a lecture in Chicago titled: "Development of Ekistics".
Doxiadis proposes ekistics as a science of human settlement and outlines its scope, aims, intellectual framework and relevance. A major incentive for the development of the science is the emergence of increasingly large and complex settlements, tending to regional conurbations and even to a world-wide city (Doxiadis uses the word "ecumenopolis"). However, ekistics aims to encompass all scales of human habitation and seeks to learn from the archeological and historical record by looking not only at great cities, but, as much as possible, at the total settlement pattern.
5 .Five steps for Humane living and to end economic crisis.
{A million each for every humane family}
A back up programme, as a support to all the existing humane projects/works/steps.
For a habitat designed globe. Priority for young, old and physically challenged people.
Five steps for Humane living and end to economic crisis ( A million each for every family as living allowance) | |||
55.555 Billion $
2010-2015 A.D |
1 Nodes |
Capital for Planet Earth
(Tumkur,Bangalore,Mysore) Ekatraya (Lord Shiva) A Megalopolis |
555.55 Billion $
2015-2020 A.D |
10 Nodes |
10 world class cities |
Deccan Plateau |
5,555.5 Billion $
2020-2025 A.D |
100 Nodes |
100 world class cities |
India |
55,555 Billion $
2025-2050 A.D |
1000 Nodes |
1000 world class cites |
Around 222 nations around the globe. |
8-12 Billion Humans 61.621605 trillion $ |
1111 Nodes |
35% is the urbanization limit Designed Habitat Globe. |
Sustained brighter future humanity
This being an edifice for a sustained harmonious future of humanity.
Mr. Ravi Gangadharaiah Nayaka, Prof S.Satish And citizens of earth.
Ekalavya Multiversity3, Ekatraya.
3. “Millennium bridge” A.K Mukhopadhayay ,2000 Conscious Publications New Delhi.
"What human beings need is not utopia ('no place') but entopia ('in place') a real
city which they can build, a place which satisfies the dreamer and is
acceptable to the scientist, a place where the projections of the artist and
the builder merge." --- Constantinos A. Doxiadis
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